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Case #25

Writer's picture: queerhellthqueerhellth

Our latest collection of Twitter musings regarding queer healthcare

A wonderful gay man I have known my whole life died from prostrate cancer. But he knew I would say this so I will...he also died because of homophobia. Because of homophobia he feared going to the doctor until too late. And for good reason he had those fears.

I was told by a nurse at my local health centre that I was wasting their time/resource by attending my cervical smear appointment as there was no need as a queer woman . . . after the lecture I gave her in response I don't think she'll be saying that to anyone else

I just want to encourage the lgbtq+ community to keep studying medical sciences because the amount of homophobia and racism I see as a healthcare worker in the medical field is barbaric.

I'm here, proud and visible as a trans youth worker with @Genderintell on the Bell v Tavistock case that starts today as the only trans led org given a voice in the hearing. Trans children and youth deserve access to healthcare

"In the past year, nearly half of LGBTQ youth have wanted counseling from a mental health professional, but did not receive it." This @TrevorProject survey details the mental health crisis for #LGBTQ+ youth. Our mental health education must be #queer-focused & #queer-inclusive.

Today, we are one step closer towards creating tangible change for gender and sexual diverse Canadians, as #BillC6 is adopted after 3rd reading within @OurCommons While this progress need be celebrated, we must not forget about the work which still remains for #LGBTQ equity.

Such important statistics about LGBT+ mental health issues. It’s so sad when people continue to downplay the effect hbt abuse and bullying has on people. Source: @MHM_NI

Finally found a LGBT Doctor and it felt so good to be comfortable in a hospital setting for once! I’m sorry but talking to old straight men about my sexual health was NEVER the vibe.


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