A Collection Of Twitter Musings
I was asked by queer coworkers to share a neg experience I've had as a queer person in healthcare. It's obvious we're terrible at sharing these experiences with each other, mainly because medical culture frowns down on it. I think we need to start changing that. So here goes...
I wanted to be a pediatrician. I was on an outpatient peds rotation in med school and my attending flat out told me to stay in the closet because out gay men as pediatricians are all seen as predatory pedophiles. She gave me this advice supportively, like she was doing me a favor.
It was a big part of why I didn't go into peds. I didn't believe everyone thought this, but if she did, then most likely others did as well. I didn't speak up because I was in a vulnerable position as a student. We need to do better. #LGBTQinHealthcare #GayMedTwitter #MedTwitter
We need more black gay therapists,and accessible (not just affordable) healthcare.
Study finds that transgender patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, prostate cancer, or bladder cancer were twice as likely to die than cisgender patients. We'll say that again... "TWICE as likely"
Being trans is not always relevant to many aspects of healthcare. Beware the "trans broken arm"
Disappointing to see a complete lack of recognition of the barriers that LGBTQ+ people experience when attending cervical screenings. No mention of gender dysphoria or trans men and non-binary people. Very important guidance but missing a crucial point
*(regarding UK cervical screening guidance)
A transman experiencing a medical emergency looked me in the eye and said "I'd rather stay here and risk dying, than go to hospital and deal with everything that brings" We can do better! Some new reading from @GenderBen
#COVID survivor says he was barred from blood plasma donation for being #gay. Time to change this outdated @US_FDA policy to a risk-based approach based on #science! https://abcn.ws/2KtT6R8
Joanna Semleyn asks: how have LGBT people been affected by COVID-19? Sadly we don’t and can’t know because nobody asked the question so there is no evidence. This is not health equity. Until LGBT+ people are counted we do not count #MWFConf2021
I hate going to the doctor. I constantly feel like they don't believe a word I say. And they act as if I'm exaggerating. I gave up on them years ago since the Navy. And it was free to go but avoided it. Now paying money for an eye roll, isn't worth it.
NEW LOCKDOWN SURVEY RESULTS We surveyed 2273 LGBTQ+ people and found 1-in-3 say they have felt suicidal over last 12 months with 6% attempting to take their own lives. 14% of under 18s have attempted suicide of which 53% were trans / gender diverse.
We need to do something about the way health care personnel asks questions related to sex & transvaginal ultrasounds to lesbians. Everything else has been amazing w the care and everything regarding my wife. #postqualifyingexamapppendicitis#lesbianhealth#lesbianmentalhealth
We live in a world where LGBT+ rights are still being fought for on a daily basis. Gay conversion therapy is still legal in the UK, LGBT+ hate crime is rising, were getting killed on a daily basis and trans individuals are still struggling to gain healthcare #PrideMonth2021
I can’t than Planned Parenthood enough. They’re the only place with proper LGBTQ+ healthcare in my area. They were the ones who helped get me on PrEP and run bloodwork when my PCP had no idea what I was talking about.
PSA: If your company doesn’t have *parental* leave and trans-inclusionary healthcare, we regret to inform you that you have not been authorised to use the queer flag, rainbow, or any byproduct of queer culture in any shape or form for Pride month. No exceptions will be granted.
I was at the doctor today and the nurse apologized because one of the drawers connected to a table "keeps coming out" and I said "Wow before Pride month? Good for it" and she gave me the blankest stare. Anyways need more queers in healthcare folks.