Send Us Your Stories
Please get in touch and send us your stories, no matter how trivial you think they may be.
We may edit some submissions if the content is too identifiable or if we feel that discriminatory language has been used; because let's be honest, none of us is perfect!
If you've managed to get a positive outcome from your experience, please include this in your story
so that others in similar situations can learn how they too might affect change.
We need your voices to make sure we're heard!
One or two stories are easy to dismiss, but if we can catalogue the thousands of ways in which the LGBTQ2S+ community is discriminated against by the healthcare system,
then we can't keep being ignored.
If you prefer, you can contact us via email or twitter | @queerhellth
Please read the Privacy and Security statement before submitting your story.
By submitting content to us, you are consenting for us to use your story on this website and also in any future publications or media content (always anonymously).

Borne from multiple humiliating experiences with the healthcare system (see Case #1), Queer Hellth was created as a safe space for the LGBTQ2S+ community to share stories of discriminatory and often degrading experiences at the hands of so-called healthcare professionals.
No one should feel 'less than' or 'other' when seeking medical attention, and unless we tell our stories, these kinds of incidents are going to keep happening time and time again. They can be embarrassing to tell, and many individuals don't know how to share their experiences without feeling judged.
This is where Queer Hellth comes in.
Whether you are part of the community yourself or an ally, join us in the fight for health equality!
Our Mission
We're here to strive for healthcare equity for all,
no matter your sexuality or gender.

Vision and Values
We aim to empower LGBTQ2S+ individuals to tell their stories without fear of shame or retribution.
We pride ourselves on non-discriminatory and inclusive practice that engages with and builds diverse communities.
"Genuine bonds of solidarity can be forged
between people who respect each other's differences
and are willing to fight their enemy together."
Leslie Feinberg
Keep Us Going!
As a volunteer organisation, we rely on donations to keep this website up and running.
Every single donation makes a difference, no matter how small!